A Healthy Dose of Constructive Criticism

  Hey guys, welcome or welcome back to my blog. Today we'll be continuing the production of the opening sequence for my short film, The Red Room. However, we will be doing something a little different from the usual program. I will be covering peer reviews I received on my first draft of The Red Room. 

Reviewer #1

The first reviewer specifically expressed liking the foreshadowing in the beginning of the sequence where the abductor is seen in the distance behind Jasmine. She also liked the scene with the empty swing which gave way to the kidnapping. However, she did explain that she didn't fully understand the allusion to the revenge of Jasmine in the final scene. I credit this to the fact that we decided for safety purposes to not have Imani hold a knife in that scene. I'm not sure how we might rectify that, but she was the only one who commented on that point of view so more than likely the knife will still not make it into the scene. (She also liked the choice of music noting its unorthodox but complementary nature.)

Reviewer #2

The second reviewer said that they enjoyed the entire sequence. They didn't provide any specific improvements that they thought needed to be made. However, they expressed that the second half of the sequence (filmed at Callie's house) did seem a little unserious and more unprofessional than the first.

Reviewer #3

The third reviewer specifically expressed enjoying the facial expressions of the actors. They did express wanting to hear more diegetic sound throughout the sequence to break up the music heard. They felt this would make some of the sequences, especially in the latter half of the sequence seem more reminiscent of a kidnapping with fear being heard from Jasmine. I think that when going back through I would like to add some screaming, crying, and/or whimpering from Jasmine throughout the scenes.

Reviewer #4

The fourth and final reviewer said that they liked the sequence specifically the abductors acting. They did suggest that we could add some more context on the abductor similar to how we gave background on Jasmine. Though this could be an interesting idea the sequence is already at our time threshold with the scenes I currently have and there likely wouldn't be enough time for another 2-4 scenes to add some extra background.

That'll be all for today's blog, without further ado, please take care of yourself and I look forward to seeing you next time. It's been Adrian, signing off.


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