Last Minute Preparations...

 Hey guys, welcome or welcome back to my blog. Today we'll be continuing the production of the opening sequence for my short film, The Red Room. 

If you've been keeping up with my blogs you likely know that I have completed all of the preparational tasks for my storyboard. These included three main steps/tasks. Planning, Script-writing, and Storyboard-producing. With those out of the way, my group and I were able to move on to the bulk of the project, the actual production of the sequence. Before the filming can officially begin I have to adequately prepare for the filming process. This included deciding on costumes, props, and other scene nuances. First and foremost, costumes. The costumes may just be the most important part to try and communicate with to express specifics of the plot. This can be seen in the portrayal of the two main characters with me, a teenage boy, playing as a presumably grown abductor, and Imani, a teenage girl, playing as both a young adult and a child. Without deliberate indicators of the stages/roles being embodied through the actors, the scenes can seem incoherent or farfetched. I decided that Imani, whilst portraying the juvenile version of Jasmine would wear brighter colors and/or baggier clothes. For the older version, she would be able to wear whatever she wanted as long as it was somewhat mature. For my costume, I decided to simplify the persona to a black hoodie. This means whenever we are filming I can just put the hoodie on over whatever I'm wearing which should enable us to film after school if need be (without me needing to account for a spare change of clothes). As far as props go we only really need to utilize household items like duct tape, a kitchen knife, etc. These essentially require no real front-ended planning as they are easily accessible.

Without further ado, please take care of yourself and I look forward to seeing you next time. It's been Adrian, signing off.


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