

 Jasmine- Imani

Abductor- Adrian

Voiceover- Callie

Mom- Nijah

Scene 1:

Voiceover: I was a happy girl

Scene 2: Park

*Jasmine is on the swing*

*Jasmine with the man hiding behind her*

Scene 3:

*Jasmine gets dragged by the abductor*

Jasmine: Help!

Voiceover: That day changed me-

Scene 3: Car

Voiceover: But that's not where it started.

*Abductor taking pictures of Jasmine (on Polaroid) while she walks*

Scene 4: Walking to school

*Jasmine is playing with a pop-it while she walks*

Scene 5: Outside Jasmine's House

*Jasmine unlocks and enters home and puts down her bag*

Jasmine: Hey Mom!
Mom: Hey baby

*Jasmine starts to close the door behind her*

Scene 6: Inside Jasmine's House

*As the door is closing the Abductor is seen in the distance*

Scene 7: Inside the Red Room

*Abductor is looking at pictures of Jasmine then exits the room*

Scene 8: Inside the Red Room

*As the door shuts behind the abductor we see Jasmine chained up*

Voiceover: I lost hope

Scene 9: 

*Jasmine is looking older*

Scene 10: 

- 3 years later with a black screen -

Scene 11: 

Jasmine: "The time is now"

Scene 12: 

*Jasmine struggles to open the door but opens it*

Scene 13: 

*Jasmine runs down the street from the house*

Voiceover: I was free, but never got freedom 

Scene 14: 

*Jasmine examines a board of clues and leads*


Scene 15: 

*Jasmine scrolls on Amazon for things to get to assist her revenge*

Scene 16:

*Jasmine packs up tools such as rope, knives, duct tape, etc.*


Scene 17: 

*Jasmine is in front of the Abductor's home*

Voiceover: I lost my freedom but now I'm here to take it back 


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