The Final Finalization Media

 Hey guys, welcome or welcome back to my blog. For a while now, as you may or may not know, I've been working on the production of my All About Me commercial. So far, I have been able to do the following. Organize my five photos. Create captions for the photos. Create a space to store and/or compile the media I have found. Organize my two videos. Decide on the purposeful placements of my videos in accordance with the story being conveyed via my photos. And add the videos I decided on to the aforementioned compiling space I've designated. This part of the production process was meant to serve as the finalization of my media. That meant I had to essentially complete the last couple of things left to do in regard to my media. Firstly, I realized last night, or rather my friend realized for me, that I forgot to create descriptions for the videos which I definitely meant to complete. Secondly, I want to really evaluate what the song is supposed to do in the commercial and what I want it to make the audience feel via the music. Then, I wanted to make a brief list of at least 2-3 purposeful backup song choices. That should complete the collection and perfection of my media and open the door for the fine-tuning and conclusion of my production process. First and foremost, I had to play a little catch-up with my videos. I ended up deciding on, "A Homemade Birthday" for the first video of my sixth birthday party. And "Moving on up" for the second video of my graduation from elementary school. With that done I moved on to breaking down the purpose of my song. I want this song to convey a slow, perhaps wary, stumble throughout the beginning of my life and then gradually come to a crescendo, the present day. This is meant the song should contribute to simulating the growth of my life from a confusing mess, and how the different pieces of media represent the different pillars of my growth. As for backup songs, I realized that the atmosphere I wanted for my commercial may need an overall more mellow song than the original choice, Conan Gray's: Grow. I wanted to keep the song choices originating from artists that I really enjoy listening to and feel can embody not only me but the commercial's theme as a whole. I ended up narrowing it down to two backup choices, Lana Del Ray's, “Grandfather please stand on the shoulders of my father while he’s deep-sea fishing”  or another single from Conan Gray, “The Other Side”. With that being said, this concludes the primary collection of media, and next time we will be putting together our commercial's final copy. It's been Adrian, signing off.


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